Welcome to my blog...

I never imagined that I would sit and write my thoughts for others to read. After encouragement from family and friends, here I go.

These are just simple thoughts and things, and I pray they bless you in some way. Please know I don't consider myself a writer. I am just a simple person who likes to share in hopes that what I experience may help someone else.

God has truly blessed my life, and I know He wants to bless your life to.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Today has been a day of remembering. I have been thinking a lot about what occurred on US soil back on September 11, 2001. I thought about the loss of life, and the devastation that many felt back on that horrible day.

As I sat and looked at pictures of the Twin Towers being struck by a plane, I began to pray for all those who were there in the heavy ash that covered them and entire area. As I scrolled through the PowerPoint while looking into the faces of those devastated, I felt a sense of sadness. My mind thought, "How could this happen?" My spirit thought, "God was there with each and every one of those who perished." It was a calm feeling of peace and joy.

My thought's then shifted to today in my own life. I have a little 'drama' going on in my home that is causing unrest and anxiety. I begin to pray for peace as I felt uneasy in my spirit. My behaviors and attitudes toward this situation are not pleasing to God right now. I am angry and hurt. I know in my heart that God is right here with me, and I know He has a plan for me in this situation. Yet, my flesh responds to whatever the enemy is up to, and I forget who is really in charge, God.

Now, I sit here thinking, "How could this be happening?" The same thought that I had back in 2001 after 09/11 happened. I prayed a quick prayer. A calm feeling came over me knowing that God is with me. I kept repeating that to myself, "God is with me." I thought "God is for me." I felt a sense of love and a sense of security. My favorite song is "The More I Seek You," by Kari Jobe. I imagined myself crawling up in Abba's lap and curling His hair around my fingers. All was well with my soul at the moment.

Now, the phone rings, someone asks me a question, and I begin to see myself surrounded by life again. I begin to think about how I could maintain this peace as I walk into my home that is full of chaos right now. How can I maintain my composure and not allow myself to respond in a way that is NOT pleasing to God. I know the answer. I know who is ultimately in control. I remind myself that I must speak in authority to the enemy and tell him to flea my home and take this nastiness with him. I know!!! So, why? I love the Father with all my heart. I want to do what is pleasing to Him.

I know that I must get in His Word, speak His Word over the situation, and I must be faithful that He has a plan in all this. Why do I struggle with that? I heard Jack Graham say on his broadcast this morning; you know how strong your faith is in the Lord when diversity comes. It's how you respond that shows if your faith is weak or strong. I think my faith is strong, so why am I allowing this to happen in this situation? I am really weak in my faith? I had to ask myself these tough questions because I love the Father so much, and I know my actions of late are not pleasing to Him. I want my faith in My Sovereign Father to be unwavering. Therefore, I know that I must walk into my home knowing I am His daughter, He is my Savior, and I can be victorious over this situation. I have to get out my Word and use it. I have to pray for His guidance, and I have to trust Him to show me the way.

This is exactly why we all need to be grounded in His Word. We must be in prayer constantly, and we must know who we are in Him. You cannot live a victorious life in Christ if you are not in His Word, and you don't know who you are in Him. If all I will see is my problem then my problem is all I will see. No solutions come from being problem focused. My friend put this in his blog today. It was exactly what I needed to hear. God is so amazing, and He can speak to us in so many ways. Am I more aware of problems or God's presence? The one I'm most aware of will have dominion over me today.

I no longer want to be more aware of my situation. I want to be totally focused on Him. So, I will claim my victory over this situation now, and I will not allow the enemy to have any control over my life any longer. I hand it over the only One who can handle it anyway. His ways are far better than my own. I ask Him to forgive me for carrying this burden longer than I should have, and I ask Him to take my hand and guide me all way through this season or time in my life. I trust Him alone, and I know He the best plan for me.

Father, forgive me for trying to tackle this issue on my own. Forgive me for my attitudes. Forgive me for my thoughts. Forgive me for my words. Forgive me for not trusting You in this situation and Father forgive me for not giving it to You from the very beginning knowing You already knew about it, and You already had a plan in it. Father, I thank You for the grace You continue to cover me with, and I thank You for loving me even when I don't turn to You and rely on You for all my needs. I love You, Adonai. I trust You, Yeshua. Thank You, Father. I place this in Your worthy and loving hands.